East of Scotland Soccer Development Association

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Hello and welcome to the East of Scotland Soccer Development Association’s (ESSDA) official Web-Site.

This site holds information on all aspects of ESSDA.
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Our Mission

The East of Scotland Soccer Development Association was formed in 1997 by a handful of dedicated football club coaches. It has now grown into one of the largest football associations of its kind in Scotland with a membership of over 500 teams from over 60 clubs.

Since the very start, the objective has been player development, with the emphasis on allowing the children to enjoy Scotland’s national game in a fun, safe and secure environment. Towards this goal, Nines 9s, Soccer 7s, Super 5s and Football 4s games are arranged and monitored for boys and girls between the ages 7 – 12, regardless of race, colour or religious belief.

Although this ethos remains fundamental, the Association has a responsibility to develop and progress. Rather than just letting the players “get on with it”, forward thinking has driven the formation of well-structured leagues, improved coaching and better education for both players and volunteers. Throughout this growth, the Association has never lost sight of the fact that it is still the children who count for everything. Their development, both as footballers and as individuals, is the key to the Association's success.

ESSDA has signed up to, and is committed to, the SFA / SYFA Player Pathway. Our seasons run from March to November. ESSDA no longer offers indoor winter football in January and February.  Our older age groups 9s, 10s, and 11s play Soccer 7s  and the 12s play Nines 9s, while younger groups 7s play Football 4s and 8s play Super 5s. The 11s play Nines 9s in the Second Half of the season.

Soccer 7s and Nines 9s is organised in divisions, reflecting the variety of levels of football ability that children exhibit. The aim is to give all children a game, at a level where they have a fair chance of competing. Movement between teams within clubs is encouraged, as children become confident. The “strongest” division is named Pele, with Iniesta, Maradona (or Messi), Zidane (or Zoff) and Beckham (or Beckenbauer).
Football 4s and Super 5s is organised at a number of central venues on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

Although there are many clubs within the Association, places for children can be difficult to achieve. For details of clubs within your area please contact the Association General Secretary, see the links page or our new map page.

Contact Information

Roger Oglesby - General Secretary



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Last modified on: 02/12/2022