East of Scotland Soccer Development Association

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Child Protection - The PVG Scheme

All enquiries about PVG should be addressed to Hampden -  playingitsafe@scottish-football.com

ESSDA will be holding an online PVG Night on

  •    Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 6:30pm-7:30pm on Zoom
  •     Tuesday 1st April 2025 at 6:30pm - 7:30pm on Zoom

Any ESSDA coach requiring to complete a PVG Application for SYFA membership is invited to attend.
Please drop me a note if you wish to attend and I will send the meeting details.

To attend the PVG online meeting, you will need to be able to use Zoom and have access to an online camera.  Zoom is free to use.

Any new PVG will be a Grassroots Football PVG, this will cover SYFA, SWF (Scottish Womens Football) and most SPF (Scottish Para Football).

Before attending the PVG session, you should should see https://support.scottishfa.co.uk/portal/kb?btn=61&id=548&text=pvg&entity=articles and ensure that your SFA Comet record is updated:

before attending the PVG Scheme Meeting, everyone should have:

a)  A record on SFA Comet

b)  Completed the online Child Welfare e-Learning course

c)  Completed the online Mental Health e-Learning course

When you attend the PVG Meeting, you will be

1)    Asked to confirm your full name, including any middle names

2)    Confirm your email address. This must be a personal address, not a joint/group email

3)    Provide proof of your current postal address using

  •  a recent bank statement (less than 3 months old)
  •  a recent utility bill (less than 3 months old)
  •  a recent council tax bill
  •  a recent HMRC letter

Although your driving licence and/or passport might have your address they are NOT sufficient proof of your current address.

4)   Some photo ID - your passport or driving licence

If you are unable  to produce the above ID, please get in touch with me to discuss suitable alternatives

5)    If you are an existing member of the PVG Scheme Member, either through SYFA or any other organisation, you need to know your PVG Scheme Membership Number.
If you do not know your PVG Scheme Membership number, please contact Disclosure Scotland to obtain it
03000 2000 40

If you are a member of the PVG Scheme but re-apply as a new member because you have lost/forgotten your PVG Scheme Membership number, your application will be rejected and you will have wasted everyone's time. You cannot get a second PVG Scheme Membership, so if you are unsure, please contact Disclosure Scotland.

PVG Scheme Membership is different to other kinds of Disclosure Scotland's Disclosure and/or Enhanced Disclosure.

Following the meeting, you will receive an email from Disclosure Scotland with instructions to create a Disclosure Scotland online account and complete your PVG application online.
You must complete this step in 14 days, other wise your application will expire and you must start again.

Anyone undertaking a supervisory role in any Club must be a member of the Disclosure Scotland PVG Scheme and must understand their roles and responsibilities.

Adults who haven’t had the necessary vetting checks must not assist in any club activity even if under the supervision of someone who is a member of the PVG Scheme.
For further information on Child Protection, please see http://www.scottishyouthfa.co.uk/index.php/information-downloads/protection-information

Your Club should have a Child Protection Officer who should be able to answer your queries.


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Last modified on: 20/01/2025