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Disciplinary Process

The ESSDA Disciplinary Process is run by the ESSDA Discipline Secretary Darren McGinnis. Darren can be contacted via the contact us page.

The ESSDA disciplinary process will follow the SYFA disciplinary process.

The SYFA process can be found at http://www.scottishyouthfa.co.uk/index.php/members-corner/complaints-management-system

Please note (extracted from the SYFA process):

7.1 First Stage Review

7.1.1 In the first instance the person raising a complaint or concern MUST discuss and seek resolution of the issue to the party against whom they are complaining e.g. a member club, member league or association, registered official

7.1.2 If the first stage review does not take place the issue cannot be progressed to second stage review unless in exceptional circumstances as appropriate to the case

7.1.3 If application for a second stage review is made to SYFA without point 7.1.2 being completed any complaint will be returned to the complainer


7.3 Lodging a Formal Complaint

7.3.1 Persons lodging a formal complaint must complete in writing and sign an SYFA Complaints Form (SYFA Complaint Forms are contained as an appendix to this document). SYFA requires an explanation of the issue that has caused them to be dissatisfied A complaint should also contain an explanation of what the person making the complaint requires to be done to resolve the issue

SYFA Complain Forms can be found at http://www.scottishyouthfa.co.uk/index.php/members-corner/complaints-management-system


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Last modified on: 14/06/2024