East of Scotland Soccer Development Association

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Player Wanted

Permission for Festivals & Friendlies

Permission from ESSDA is required to play a non scheduled fixture during the ESSDA season - even if you are re-arranging because of a free week or because scheduled opposition is not available.

Festival Permission
Following the SYFA AGM on 29th June 2024, the SYFA revised the permission system for festivals and reintroduced  a fee for permission to attend all festivals.
The revised rules came into force at the start of July 2024, so all clubs must follow the new rules. The new forms and details are on the SYFA website at https://www.scottishyouthfa.co.uk/index.php/information-downloads/football-games-and-tournaments

To play in any festival, your team must be fully SYFA registered before any permission will be given. Check the registration page for your club status.
You are not registered if your Comet ID is not being displayed, or if it is displayed with a status of NOT REG or NOT PAID.

To play in an approved festival in Scotland, please complete and return Tournament Application - Scotland (£10)
To play in an approved festival in England, please complete and return Tournament Application - England (£20)
To play in an approved festival elsewhere in Europe, please complete and return Tournament Application - Europe (£50)
If you want to host a festival at your club, please complete and return Tournament Host Application (£50)

To play a one-off match against other ESSDA or SYFA registered club, please complete the online form  Online Application for ESSDA Permission for Unscheduled Matches (FREE)
Both sides must be fully SYFA registered before any permission will be given. Check the registration page for your club status.
You are not registered if your Comet ID is not being displayed, or if it is displayed with a status of NOT REG or NOT PAID.

Without properly authorised permission, your club insurance may not be valid.

The SYFA Supplementary Playing Rules clearly state that:-

League / Association fixtures shall only be listed and played between 1 March and 30 November inclusive each year and no matches, friendly matches included, shall be played between the second weekend in December and the second weekend in January inclusive each year without the consent of the SYFA.
Clubs will be permitted to play friendly matches indoor or participate in Festivals during this period.

For Season 2024, the outdoor winter shutdown means SYFA permission is required from 16th December 2024 until 13th January 2025.


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Last modified on: 07/11/2024